
Brief Introduction to Shareholder of CECC
The sole shareholder of China Economic Consulting Cooperation (CECC) is China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE). CCIEE, founded on March 20th, 2009, is registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and operates under the guidance and supervision of the National Development and Reform Commission. By the end of 2015, CCIEE was selected as one of the first batch of pilot national high-level think tanks. CCIEE is committed to conducting researches on major issues concerning international and domestic economies, launching international exchanges and cooperation extensively, providing intellectual support for government departments, and building platform of economic exchanges for enterprises and other sectors of society

CCIEE is committed to serving China’s development, improving people’s livelihood and promoting international exchanges and cooperation. With theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics as its guidance, CCIEE upholds the value of “Originality, Objectivity, Rationality, and Compatibility”and actively conducts researches on domestic and international issues concerning major theories, strategies, hotspot topics and cross-cutting issues, sparing no effort to develop itself into a new-type think tank with Chinese characteristics, high standards and global influence. CCIEE pools a wide range of intellectual resource to provide the central and local governments and enterprises with intellectual support and consulting service for their decision-making process, boosting the development of China’s soft power. 
Scope of work
To study strategic issues;
To study economic issues;
To conduct economic exchanges and cooperation;
To provide policy consulting services.

CCIEE compiles journals such as Important Information Briefing, Research Report, Think tank’s Voice, Global Economy Review, and publishes academic periodical Globalization.